Home from the Homer


Paperback, 350 pages, including historical photos and illustrations.

What would you do on a family holiday that spans 200 years?

The Homer Tunnel has vanished, and with it the last link to life as the Williams family know it. Fiordland has them trapped, leaving their car – and cellphone – useless, and caught in a web of changing times. Their only hope is to make it by foot to Milford Sound in an attempt to escape the kaleidoscope of history. Separated from their parents, and each other, Zoe and Seth face an uncertain future, and must rely on the past to survive. The twins venture into an incredible world where anything can happen – and often does! But Fiordland has always been a place where nature rules, and myth and reality merge. Zoe and Seth travel through time, in a bid to reach the eighth wonder of the world. But what will they find when they get there? Only time will tell.

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Wondering if you’ll enjoy Home from the Homer?

Home from the Homer is historical fiction/time travel for ages 10 and up. It is set in Fiordland, New Zealand. It has chapters, so it’s like a novel, and it has a few illustrations and photos as well. Some of the photos are real hunting photos.

Zoe and Seth, the twins at the centre of Home from the Homer, are 12 years old.

Test-readers have generally been 10-15 years old. Several 10 year olds have read and enjoyed it, and also, depending on their reading level, needed a little bit of help occasionally with a word or two. Every 12 year old that’s read Home from the Homer has really enjoyed it and finds it about the right reading level. A range of adults have also read the book and found it an entertaining yarn as well.

There’s no swearing, and the most that goes on in that direction is a reference to Mum and Dad kissing (with eye rolling from Zoe and Seth!) The main themes are the New Zealand outdoors, nature, history, and finding supportive friends in life that understand you. Three of the main characters are hunters, so there are direct references to hunting – that means rifles, fresh venison for dinner, and talk of moose and wapiti trophy hunting. The hunters have hipflasks, and drink from them (but only after a fairly rugged river crossing!) There’s also a strong theme of conservation, including references to early conservation, a conservation dog, and several of our native birds. One of our native birds in particular is…not friendly, so there’s a bit of action too. And in case you’re not convinced yet, there’s a whole chapter on maths!

Who are the characters in Home from the Homer?

The Williams family are fictional. The people they meet along the way are not – they’re local identities who’ve all worked, visited or lived in Fiordland in the past. Of course, the story itself, and the conversations between the characters, are fictional – but when you read Home from the Homer you’re going back to the past, and meeting people from a different time in a way that lets you see a little bit of what living back then was like. So the way people talk, what they say, and the way things are will be different from what you’re used to now. (And there’s no internet!) Things were a lot more formal – husbands and wives would generally call each other Mr and Mrs when they were around other people, and children would call adults Mr and Mrs as well, not by their first names. Zoe and Seth do this too.

What animals are in Home from the Homer?

When you read Home from the Homer, you’ll meet Chester the conservation dog, a moose, blue ducks, a weka, a wood pigeon, a kakapo, a piopio, our superb ground weta, bottlenose dolphins – and Jane the pack-horse. There’s also a very special visitor that you’ll meet – or he’ll find you – when you read the book! Hint: He’s on the cover, and I’m not talking about the moose!

Chapter One Excerpt

The shriek was so loud it woke Zoe up. It sounded like it was from another world, and she sat up in bed. Maybe she’d dreamed it. But she hadn’t, and the second call echoed through the small cabin. It made her shiver. Standing up meant the cold of the wooden floor on her bare feet, but she did it anyway. It was too strange a sound not to investigate. She crept towards the door, hoping that—

“Zoe? What was that noise?”

Great. Seth had woken up. And with his loud whisper, he’d probably wake Mum and Dad too.  Then she wouldn’t be allowed to go outside and see whatever was making that sound for herself. “I don’t know. I’m going outside to find out.”

“It’s a kiwi, Zoe. I thought you’d know that.” Dad was awake now. At least he wasn’t telling her to go back to bed.

“It’s so loud, Dad. And it sounds amazing, way different to the Internet.”

“Of course it does. It’s the real thing. Let’s go out and find him.”

“Can we take Chester?”


“But he can wear his muzzle.”

“He could, yes. Not tonight, though.” Dad was out of his bunk, clicking the torch on and then blocking the stream of light with his hand as it hit Mum.


“Allison. Did you hear the kiwi? We’re off to find him.”

Mum sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Sounds great. I think he’s woken us all up.”

“He sounds close.” Zoe slid into jandals.

She pulled open the cabin door, too impatient to wait for Seth. The summer night was cold, but she was already outside and didn’t want to go back inside for boots or a jumper. She kept still, waiting for her eyes to get used to the nighttime. The black became grey, and then she could see vague shapes. The other cabins, and then the glow of Dad’s ute. Chester was in there, and he’d woken up too. She couldn’t see him, but his tail thumped against the side of the ute, acknowledging her. She moved closer.

“Chester,” she whispered. More thumping. “I know you want to come with us.” Another shriek made her turn around. The night sky glittered, drawing her eye. Mum had explained that without the town lights it was easier to see the stars, and Zoe stared, fascinated. It was like a giant black blanket, with the bright pinpoints of stars filling her vision until the mountains blocked them out. She put her hand out, wishing she could touch them.

“A full moon, too.”

Mum was there, and Zoe almost didn’t see it. It was a shadow, and it came and went. She tried to follow it. It was in the forest on the edge of the camp, and too big for a kiwi. Too big for…anything. But Chester was in the ute, she’d heard him, so it wasn’t like he’d somehow escaped or anything. A strange flapping sound made her smile. “That must be a wood pigeon. Flying, to make that sound.” She focused on the sound, not on what she thought she’d seen.

“Must have been a possum. And with the moon like that, it would have made him look bigger.”

Mum had seen it too. “It looked really big, Mum. Almost as big as Chester.”

“Hardly, Zoe. You know we weighed him at the vets the other day, He’s already forty kilos. And there’s nothing in the New Zealand bush even close to his size.”

Zoe giggled. “I don’t know, Mum. We’re learning at school about the Fiordland moose.”

“Yeah, but the teacher said they died out ages ago.” Seth laughed, and so did Mum.

“I know it wasn’t a moose,” Zoe said quietly. She turned away from the forest, the old black and white photo of the hunter wading across the creek in her mind’s eye.

“You never know, Zoe. Could be something in those stories after all.” At least Dad was taking her seriously.

“Dad, the teacher said they were only old hunting stories.” Seth had told her at school he didn’t think moose were still in Fiordland.

“Ah, but there’re photographs! Did she tell you that?”

“Yeah, but still. That was ages ago.”

“Not really, Seth,” Dad said. “Only in your grandparents’ day. Or maybe your great-grandparents. They were hunted up until the 1950s.”

“So, ages ago.” Seth still had a grin on his face.

In a Time Machine to Eddie Herrick’s Fiordland Moose

Tony Orman talks to Anya Forest the author of a new vibrant book that brilliantly blends a slice of science fiction with Fiordland history.

Anya Forest has just written and self published a new book “Home from the Homer”. It’s an intriguing story of how the Williams family, en route to Milford Sound via the Homer tunnel, suddenly find themselves whisked back in time to the days of Eddie Herrick and his moose hunting when he shot two bull moose. Herrick was guided by the legendary hunting guide Jim Muir who even as a teenager was sought after as a guide by the country’s top deerstalkers.

In the book, via the time machine scenario Fiordland has the family trapped. Children Zoe and Seth are separated from their parents and must reach Milford Sound in an attempt to escape the past.

But the reality is they are trapped in the past, so in their journey they inevitably and fortuitously cross paths with not only Eddie Herrick, his wife Ethne, Jim Muir, but a surveyor John Christie establishing the line of the Milford Road, “Young” Bob Murrell, even the Lost Tribe of Fiordland, Richard Henry and a few other historical figures.

Adventure abounds such as an encounter with the giant Haast eagle, the predator of moa, crossing torrent like rivers and more. It is a book innovative in its concept, extremely well written and quite enthralling. It says it’s “for ages 10 to 14 and adults who enjoy a good yarn.” I wondered if a ten year old was somewhat young for such a book of some 350 pages.

So I exchanged some questions and answers with Anya.

Question: You say book is aimed at 10 year old and up. In retrospect, would you think 10 year old would be ok. Perhaps more 12 or 13?

Anya: Yes, perhaps 12-13 years, although I had a range of children read the book in draft from ages 10-15 and adults as well. Of course, it depends on the children’s reading age rather than their chronological age. Two 10 year olds who read it in draft could read it with no problems; another could read it, but asked his parents for help with a couple of words. All 12 year olds have read the book with no problems.

Question: What generated the idea of the book?

Anya: I’ve been fascinated by moose since I was a child, and I’ve always wanted to write about Fiordland, and about the Milford Road. Then I thought of the idea of a modern day family going back in time to meet the people and animals that make the area so special. I was staying with gundog friends in Central Otago and leaving for Fiordland the next day, to drive the Milford Road again, see the Homer Tunnel and have a look around at possible settings for my book. A friend of my hosts called in unexpectedly, heard I was going to Fiordland, and started reminiscing about hunting in Fiordland back in the day and seeing moose browsing damage. I was absolutely riveted, and then read Ray Tinsley’s books The Call of the Wapiti and The Call of the Moose. Because I wanted to include the theme of friendship in my book, I particularly enjoyed reading about Jim Muir, and Eddie and Ethne Herrick. I thought if I could find their families, and learn more, I might be able to include them in my book. More ideas grew from there!

Question: So you tracked down those families?

Anya: Yes. After I’d read Ray Tinsley’s books I located the Herrick and Muir Families to find out more. I am deeply appreciative to both families for their encouragement and assistance, together with the Mackenzie and Murrell Families and the Hollyford Trustees. My story was made so much more authentic and detailed because of the families’ involvement, and the inclusion of some fantastic historic photographs.

Question: While the book is fiction, it has a good deal of factual history in it from talking to the families and research?

Anya: Yes that’s right. As a result, although my story is fiction, it also weaves in a large amount of historical fact.

Question: It’s quite remarkable that the book will undoubtedly appeal to children as well as adults.

Anya: When I started writing I intended to write a children’s book, but I never expected to learn so much along the way on an adult level. This has meant my book also appeals to an adult audience.

Question: It must’ve been an interesting journey for you in researching the historical side?

Anya: Yes. I found as it went along I was gaining a completely different perspective on Fiordland, and what it means to face challenges – and learned a fair bit about hunting too! For instance Eddie Herrick as well as being an exceptional hunter, also had a detailed knowledge of native plants and bird life, and this has also been incorporated into my book. So, the “few pages” I originally mentioned to the Muir and Herrick Families grew into a chapter, and then another, and then one of the main storylines!

And their characters began to emerge. By all accounts Jim Muir and Eddie and Ethne Herrick had wonderful senses of humour, so there were more than a few laughs when the families were reminiscing.

It was also very special for me to be able to read and learn about Ethne Herrick and the early Gazette article referring to her “particularly brilliant” stalking ability, when several of the earlier hunting books focused more on Eddie Herrick and Jim Muir. Major Wilson noted in his book “My Stalking Memories” that, when hunting, “Mrs Herrick made it clear she required no favours…and came through splendidly, better than some men stalkers.” Having studied various leaderboards and trophy lists in my research has made me more aware than ever of Eddie Herrick’s meticulous planning and enviable hunting records, and anecdotes abound of Jim Muir’s incredible guiding ability, speed and endurance. Three legendary hunters and special people, who are now so real to me.

Question: Where do you live?

Anya:- At the moment we’re based in Auckland, but as we used to live in the South Island, and on Stewart Island, we try to head south regularly to escape the rat race!

Question: No doubt you’ll be keen to get to Fiordland some more?

Anya: The research I have done and the people I’ve met and learned about have definitely given me a new appreciation of Fiordland. I’m looking forward to heading back there this summer and visiting a few of the places that are in my book, now with knowledge of their history. Herrick Creek and the Seaforth River and Murrell’s Grand View House are included on the list!

My comments are: “Anya Forest’s writing style seems effortless as she captures the predicaments, personalities and atmospheres. The book is very well produced enhanced by photos of the personalities of yesteryear and the wildlife. Anya Forest obviously revels in the outdoors and the bush and her enthusiasm and passion and sensitive story telling, make it a wonderful book.

The book is stocked by good book sellers such as Paper Plus. If not give them details of contact with Anya as above and get a copy. Highly recommended for both youngsters and adults.”

Tony Orman – Hunting & Outdoor Writer

Parts of this interview and review were published in New Zealand Guns & Hunting (May/June 2019, Issue #172)

Home from the Homer Resources

Student questions, suggested answers, and teacher notes are available free of charge if you are using Home from the Homer in a school or educational group.

Please contact Anya Forest to find out more.

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