Anya’s Romance Book Review #1

I’ve recently finished reading the Rosewood Trilogy by Laura Moore, a contemporary romance writer from the USA. The three books in the set are Remember Me, Believe in Me and Trouble Me. They are based around three sisters who individually find love, while trying to save the family mansion and horse breeding business after tragedy leaves them deeply in debt.

Remember Me is a return to a hometown to save the family business and home after tragedy strikes; Believe in Me is finding love after an unfaithful spouse and divorce and Trouble Me is an orphan finding love with a widower as their losses create issues, mixed in with super cute children all the way through. I enjoyed all three, but Remember Me I think would have to be my favourite as it also focuses on the relationship between the three sisters (plus has a super cute hero who really stands out!). So there is that extra conflict there – the other two books focus solely on the romance (not a bad thing!) because the sisters by that stage are all the best of friends. I also thought that Remember Me had the best balance between the great people storylines and the “horse information” whereas by Trouble Me that balance was in my view getting a little skewed with lots of technical information about the horse world. Having said that, for three romances set in the horse world they seem very realistic and don’t just gloss over what it takes to run a sizable establishment. Plus of course a barn makes for some interesting interactions, as a location to escape from, go to, or be found in!

I found Believe in Me refreshing because it gave a realistic view of finding love with the ex-husband and children in the background, and it was great to see the youngest sister on an even keel and happy in Trouble Me. There was a close connection with all three books but not enough that they couldn’t be read individually. Sometimes I trade in my books or lend them to friends – not these three! Very enjoyable reads. Have you read any of these three books or any of Laura Moore’s other novels? Let me know what you think at


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Anya’s Romance Book Review #2


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